Given the conditions, given the devastating effects of quarantine on people, the actions of the Health Ministry seem normal. To publish information about infections, about vaccination. It would be good for our heads, to speak in a Romanian manner. But the road to hell… For example, why was the “quarantining hour” set back from 23 to 22? The prime minister says he noticed this curfew was not respected during the winter. How was it? The number of infections dropped exactly during the winter!
Making this type of decision without an exact reason, based on analysis and solid statistics to be made public afterwards, seems wrong to me. The same goes in the case of the restrictions in the hospitality industry. We should also be told, but especially those in the industry, what is the number of infections, on what segments, what are the causes (parties, wrong positioning of the tables, etc.). Otherwise, the eternal questions emerge: why are the malls open, why me and not the others, why, why… And don’t get me started on conspiracy theories…
Therefore, if you shut something down, also mention the reason why you do it. What you put in its place, because it’s not any patron’s fault or any citizen’s that there is a pandemic. It’s not our fault that you, as a politician, decided to shut down hospitals while you were at power. It’s not our fault that you did not decide building new hospitals in Romania. Why should I care that your health system is collapsing? Of course, the medical staff also… why are they guilty of the 30 years you have been mocking the environment in which they work?
We would only need a bit of goodwill
However, maybe you are still wondering what is the use of all the analysis, studies, statistic data. I give you the example of Bucharest, big day Match 15th 2021. I tried to find out how many people were vaccinated in Bucharest. Instead I discovered how many had COVID: 141.000. Had we “benefited” of the number of those vaccinated we could have had an image of the percentage of those already immunized. Besides I tried to calculate that number based on the percentage of vaccines distributed in Bucharest: between 40 and 50%. Therefore, to 1,4 million doses administrated, there would be approximately 500.000 citizens of Bucharest vaccinated. That would lead us, along with the number of those infected, to the immunization degree in Romania’s Capital: 650.000 people, meaning 26% of the total of 2,5 million. Or, if we accept that to each symptomatic there were other 3 asymptomatic people, the immunization degree would be, ALREADY, 40%! How is this number useful to us? Simple. You can estimate in how long you will reach 70% and, by default, you can establish the restriction policies but also relaxation policies, after all, you can bring a little light in this bloody endless quarantine.
And the same goes for every county or area in Romania. But no, these numbers are secret here or, if they’re not, it means that they are not calculated.
(an article by Edward Pastia)