If we were to summarize Nicoale Ciucă’s career, as Defense Minister, it would look as you see below. An “expert” who, as Murphy would say, failed in all fields he was active in. To that add a despicable fake-news related to a “battle” that never existed: Nasiriyah.
- On October 20th Nicolae Ciucă welcomed the US Defense Minister (as state secretary). The next day, he became “designated prime minister”. Pure coincidence.
- The Defense Minister took, literally, the modernization of the Romanian Army to the court – a failure in acquiring armored carriers, corvettes, rockets etc.
- He transformed the “Cantacuzino Institute” into a military degree and pension factory for the camarilla. The only thing they’re building there is an office building.
- He imposed the modification of law 346 just to reorganize the SMG into the MSD. No modifications in the structure, however… the same directions… the same responsibilities. Only the chief of MSD ended up on a three-star position, handling priests, parking and guarding the barracks. And having a 1-star placeholder. This while in all force categories, the chief position is that of a colonel, but Ciucă went down in history: he is the last SMG chief and the first chief of MSD!
- He proposed the law of military police! The only weapon that has its own law! But the law itself is a threat to the Constitution and democracy
- He created his “praetorian guard” only with Oltenians. The overwhelming majority of the generals and promotions considered the “Oltenia ID card”
- He destroyed the operational capacity of the army, ruined the troops’ morale, ruined equipping programs (even those with the USA are stuck – Piranha 5, Patriot)
- He promoted people to generals only on the criteria of obedience and kept them there despite their incompetence (Cernat, Cipu, Spiridonescu, Ioniță, Dorin… and many others)
- He blocked any initiative meant to get the weapon industry back on its feet in the European defense industrial base by blocking partnerships with Rheinmetal, Airbus, Naval Group, MBDA
- He disbanded the Weaponry Department just to ensure himself full control over the structure and over how auctions went
- He organized a military parade marching the troops under the Arch of Triumph although even Americans acknowledged that the war in Afghanistan was lost
- He tolerated the AFC Steaua and public money being robbed (a budget of 25 mil. euro/year). Moreover, the AFC Steaua is a protocol source for Ciucă
- He didn’t take transparent measures following the placeholder scandal at the GDDI who stole some funds about which we don’t know anything to this day
- He put his wife on terminal leave as junior sergeant and then called her back as officer. The action in itself is illegal and, especially, immoral
- He NEVER denied plagiarism rumors that surround a doctoral thesis nobody knew about. As far as his master’s degree in the USA is concerned, there’s enough proof
- He kept in the antechamber, illegally and abusively an officer who was from another structure, gl. Bg. Cristea Paula. Practically, he is guilty of the same deeds Dragnea went to prison for. Afterwards Cristea was promoted to general and is now one of his adivsors
- Have you seen any F16 flying? That’s because he tolerated more than 5 year’s worth of delays in meeting the investment objectives (including the flight simulator). Hundreds of millions wasted and our pilots have nowhere to train
- He did politics, in plain sight, when he was still an active officer. He dragged the Army into a shameful scandal when he obeyed political commands and refused to leave office although his mandate was over
- He shamelessly lied that he would never enter politics
- He did not update military pensions as he promised. Moreover, by non-intervention, he ruined the incomes of thousands of retired militaries.
(an article by Edward Pastia)